DC reloaded 0.1 documentation


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DC reloaded ships with a setup.py, allowing a comfortable installation. The program should work on any platform that supports Python and PyQt, which includes Linux, Windows and Mac.

Installing the requirements

DC reloaded depends on merely two things:

You should head to the project’s homepage to get more instructions for your platform. Alternatively (if you are using Linux) you can consult your distributions manual, for example Arch Linux has Python in its repositories. Thus, on Arch, you can install Python with:

sudo pacman -S python

Once you have made sure that every requirement is installed, you can proceed to install DC reloaded itself.

Installing DC reloaded system wide (Linux)

This is probably the easiest method, but also the one that could fuck up your system the most. It will put the library into the global Python library path and the start script into /usr/bin.

The downside to this approach is that it might introduce dependency issues, though the only dependency DC reloaded has is PyQt, so you should be fine. Still, you might run into problems if other projects have a module called dc, which will interfere with this one.

The best practice therefore is to install it using virtual envs (see below), but since DC reloaded has such few requirements, it’s probably okay to install it system wide (don’t hang me please).

In order to install DC reloaded you simply have to navigate to the source folder, e.g.:

$ git clone https://github.com/Kingdread/dc-reloaded.git
$ cd dc-reloaded

and then run:

$ sudo python3 setup.py install

DC reloaded can then be started by typing:

$ dc-reloaded

Installation in a virtual env (Linux)

A virtual env provides a way to keep dependencies of a program bundled together and separate of the global python installation or other virtual environments. Installing DC reloaded in such an environment is straightforward and prefered over the system wide installation if you want to keep your global libraries clean.

I recommend reading the docs and taking a look at virtualenvwrapper if you want a more comfortable interface to virtual environments.

First, we need to create the virtual environment in which we will install our environment (assuming you have your virtual envs at ~/.PyEnvs/):

$ cd ~/.PyEnvs
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 dc_reloaded

Next, we need to copy the modules PyQt5 and sip into our virtual env:

$ cp -r /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/PyQt5 dc_reloaded/lib/python3.4/site-packages
$ cp /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/sip.so dc_reloaded/lib/python3.4/site-packages


You need to specify your version of Python (e.g. python3.3) if you are using a different version than 3.4


On some systems with Linux 64bit you have to use lib64 instead of lib. If you are unsure about which directory is the right one, you can run the following command to print out where PyQt5 is installed on your system:

python3 -c "import os,PyQt5; print(os.path.dirname(PyQt5.__file__))"

Now we need to install DC reloaded:

$ cd ~/src/
$ git clone https://github.com/Kingdread/dc-reloaded.git
$ cd dc-reloaded
$ source ~/.PyEnvs/dc_reloaded/bin/activate
$ python setup.py install

The source ... command will activate the virtual environment and the last command will finally install DC reloaded. You can leave the virtual env by using:

$ deactivate

To start DC reloaded, you need to first activate the virtual env and then run dc-reloaded:

$ source ~/.PyEnvs/dc_reloaded/bin/activate
$ dc-reloaded

You can automate this commands by using a small shell script:

source ~/.PyEnvs/dc_reloaded/bin/activate

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