DC reloaded 0.1 documentation

The DC file editor

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The DC file editor


DC has a small text editor built in. The text editor supports syntax highlighting for DC and DCL programs.

Opening the editor

To open the editor, just press the Editor button in the DC main window or use the “editor” command in the DC command line.

Fixing line numbers

The “Fix line numbers” function from the file menu renumerates the lines, starting with 0 at the top line. This is useful if you insert lines in a DC program. Note that it doesn’t fix JMP targets, so you need to manually correct those. It is advised that you use the DCL language for this reason as DCL doesn’t need line numbers.


0 DEF 2
OUT 20
1 INM 50
2 LDA 50

Note that the second line got inserted later. After the fix:

0 DEF 2
1 OUT 20
2 INM 50
3 LDA 50

Note that the OUT/INM/LDA parameters did not change.

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