DC reloaded 0.1 documentation

DC hardware description

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DC hardware description

(This is mostly a translation of the short DC manual [PDF, german])

The DC simulates a simple CPU (central processing unit) with some memory, basic arithmetic capabilities and user input/output. The memory contains 128 words, each word having 13 bit. This limits the integers to the range -4096 to 4095. A memory cell can either contain some data or a command, though at runtime you cannot tell the difference between them, as data and commands are represented just the same. Thus it might happen that you accidentally try to execute data fragments or read code.

If the cell contains a command, then the first 6 bit describe the instruction and the remaining 7 bit the operand (the “parameter” to the instruction). This makes for 2^6 = 64 different instructions and operands from 0 to 127 (remember, the memory has a size of 128).


The registers are used by the CPU for internal temporary storage of values, calculation purposes or execution control

Instruction register (IR)

Before a command can be executed, it has to be loaded into the instruction register. Thus this register has a size of 13 bits. The control unit then seperates the command into the 6 bit instruction and the 7 bit operand. You can see this seperation by the whitespace in the visualization area. The control then executes the instruction, which is saved internally.

Program counter (PC)

The program counter contains the cell of the next command. Every cycle it will get incremented by one. A jump instruction also modifies this register and sets its value to the jump destination.

You can modify this register directly using the command line.

Address register (AR)

This register contains the memory address of the memory cell that you want to read or write to. You cannot manipulate it directly, the control unit will take care of setting the AR to the right value.

Data register (DR)

The data register contains the data that you want to read or write to the memory, just like the address register contains the address.

Accumulator (AC)

The accumulator is the central register in the microprocessor. Together with the arithmetic logical unit (ALU) it is responsible for the actual calculations. For example you can add a value of the RAM to the accumulator, the accumulator then contains the result of the addition. With the accumulator in DC, you can add, subtract, negate, increment by one and decrement by one (no division or multiplication available). In reality, there are usually more than one register of this kind.

Stack pointer (SP)

At first the stack pointer points to the cell 127 (last cell). When you push a value to the stack, the stack pointer gets decremented by one. Thus the stack pointer always points to the next free memory cell below the stack. The stack grows “down”, starting at the last cell 127.

When you cann a subroutine the return address is automatically pushed onto the stack. That way you can return from the subroutine, no matter from where you called it.

The stack is also used for function parameters and return values.

Base pointer (BP)

The base pointer is like a second stack pointer. Unlike the stack pointer it doesn’t automatically get decreased if you push values, thus addressing local variables is a lot easier using a constant value (the base pointer) instead of a changing one (the stack pointer). You can transfer values between the stack pointer and the base pointer.

Data transport

Data transport between the various hardware parts works with the bus. Some of the bus connections are represented by white lines in the visualization window.

Address bus

The address bus can transmit the address of a memory cell, thus it needs a width of 7 bit to address all 128 memory cells. In real computers however, the bus usually has a size of 8 bit, 16 bit (both deprecated), 20 bit, 24 bit, 32 bit or 64 bit.

Data bus

The data bus can transfer data between the registers and the memory. In this model it has a width of 13 bit, though in reality bus widths of 8/16/32/64 bit are common.

Control wires

Some additional connections are required, for example to indicate if you want to read from or write to the RAM. Those wires are not displayed.

Instruction set

This is the most important part if you want to program the DC: the list of supported instructions. The table contains the mnemonic and the description. Note that some of the instructions may need an operand (such as LDA) while others don’t (such as INC).

Basic instructions

LDA LOAD INTO ACCUMULATOR - Load the value of the given cell into the accumulator
STA STORE ACCUMULATOR TO MEMORY - Store the value of the accumulator to the given memory cell
ADD ADD TO ACCUMULATOR - Add the value of the given cell to the accumulator
SUB SUBTRACT FROM ACCUMULATOR - Subtract the value of the given cell from the accumulator
NEG NEGATE ACCUMULATOR - Negate the value in the accumulator
INC INCREMENT ACCUMULATOR - Increment the accumulator by one
DEC DECREMENT ACCUMULATOR - Decrement the accumulator by one
OUT OUTPUT MEMORY - Output the value of the given memory cell to the user
INM INPUT TO MEMORY - Read an integer value from the user and save it at the given memory cell
END END - End the program
DEF DEFINE WORD - Set the memory cell to the given value, e.g. if cell 34 contains DEF 3141, the value of 34 will be 3141. This is not really an instruction for the CPU but available to define cell values in a program

Jump instructions

JMP JUMP - Unconditionally jump to the given cell and resume execution
JMS JUMP IF MINUS - Jump only if accumulator < 0
JPL JUMP IF PLUS - Jump only if accumulator > 0
JZE JUMP IF ZERO - Jump only if accumulator = 0
JNM JUMP IF NOT MINUS - Jump only if accumulator >= 0
JNP JUMP IF NOT PLUS - Jump only if accumulator <= 0
JNZ JUMP IF NOT ZERO - Jump only if accumulator != 0
JSR JUMP TO SUBROUTINE - Jump to the given subroutine. The return address is automatically pushed to the stack.
RTN RETURN FROM SUBROUTINE - Jump back from a subroutine by taking a return address from the stack

Stack operations (using SP)

PSH PUSH ACCUMULATOR TO STACK - Push the value of the accumulator onto the stack
POP POP FROM STACK TO ACCUMULATOR - Pop a value from the stack into the accumulator
PSHM PUSH MEMORY TO STACK - Push the value of the given memory cell onto the stack
POPM POP FROM STACK TO MEMORY - Pop a value from the stack into the given memory cell
LDAS LOAD FROM STACK TO ACCUMULATOR - Load the value at cell SP+XXX into the accumulator, XXX is given as operand.
STAS STORE ACCUMULATOR TO STACK - Store the value of the accumulator to the cell SP+XXX
ADDS ADD STACK TO ACCUMULATOR - Adds the value of SP+XXX to the accumulator
SUBS SUBTRACT STACK FROM ACCUMULATOR - Subtract the value of SP+XXX from the accumulator
OUTS OUT STACK - Output the value of the cell at SP+XXX
INS INPUT TO STACK - Read an user value to the cell at SP+XXX

Stack operations (using BP)

LDAB LOAD FROM STACK TO ACCUMULATOR - Load the value at cell BP+XXX into the accumulator, XXX is given as operand.
STAB STORE ACCUMULATOR TO STACK - Store the value of the accumulator to the cell BP+XXX
ADDB ADD STACK TO ACCUMULATOR - Adds the value of BP+XXX to the accumulator
SUBB SUBTRACT STACK FROM ACCUMULATOR - Subtract the value of BP+XXX from the accumulator
OUTB OUT STACK - Output the value of the cell at BP+XXX
INB INPUT TO STACK - Read an user value to the cell at BP+XXX
SPBP TRANSFER SP TO BP - Set the value of SP to the register BP
BPSP TRANSFER BP TO SP - Set the value of BP to the register SP
POPB POP BP - Take a value from the stack and put it into BP
PSHB PUSH BP - Put the value of BP onto the stack

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